The following timeline has been put together to give an overview of a typical project timeline:


Q4. Discussions first took place to arrange a meeting at Energy Now Feb13


Q1. Meeting with Harco Lammers start of initial engagement discussions with the company.

Q2. Formal discussions conclude and an agreement is reached between both companies on a programme of working together.

Q3. As part of this agreement we were asked to set up a number of meetings with various interested parties in the renewables sector.

  • Visited Triogen HQ at Goor in the Netherlands for the first time, were after meeting with the management and Ron aan de Stegge the remit was expanded to cover CMM assisting with the recruitment of a UK Distributor network.

Q4. Due Diligence commenced on producing an Information Memorandum so that that could be provided to the UK lending industry so as to assist in obtaining funding for UK projects.

Met in Amsterdam with new COE Henning von Barsewisch and Sales Marcel Borkent for them to state the new direction of travel in the relationship.


Q1. Continued to work on DD, visiting a number of UK Water company sites.

Q2. Per appointment of the first UK Distributor by CMM. Visited Goor to obtain training and more detailed work on the Due Diligence.

  • Assisting in the UK sales process as previously agreed.

Q3. ADBA show assistance on the trade stand. Obtained initial agreement with Future Biogas as to the possible installation of the first UK ORC.

  • Pre appointment of second UK distributor.

Q4. Sent a celebratory cake from the Netherlands on our 25th birthday.

  • Worked on completion of the Information Memorandum for onward distribution to UK finance industry.
  • Invited by Triogen and distributor to UK Moto GP.


Q1. Various site support discussions

Q2. All Energy Expo

Q3. ADBA Expo. Triogen distributor meeting in the Netherlands. Appointment of Kevin Jolivette UK Distribution Sales Manager.=

Q4. Scottow first UK ORC install. Lombard Finance meeting on the Scottow site near Norwich. NACFB article featuring Triogen.

  • ADBA Conference


Q1. Meeting with Kevin Jolivette future UK developments

Q2. Invite to Turkey to assist at ICCI renewable energy  trade fair. ADBA at Parliament meeting.

Q3. ADBA Expo

Q4. ADBA Conference. Scottish Brewery visit


Q1. –

Q2. Meeting with UK Water company

Q3. ADBA Expo

Q4. Visited Goor to see the new E Box official unveiling, also to receive the news that the toal now stands at 8 UK install with more in the near future.


Q1. Investigating developments for markets in south east Asia and Africa.