This is a jargon-free, simple version of Project Management training. If your organisation has projects to run and you find that the results are either disorganised, way out on budget, time or quality, or if you are tied up in reams of paperwork, then this training is for you. No matter what the project or sector, certain key principles apply to the process of scoping out, planning, carrying out and learning from the project so that you can do it even better next time.
One international client regularly had a range of projects running simultaneously and found it a challenge to coordinate the people and resources involved so that they aligned with each other and their organisational goals. They brought together some of the team members to work through the stages of actual projects, focusing on the scoping and planning asepcts. The result was lots of creative thinking and insights into each other’s work and the way that the different projects dovetailed together. This produced ‘the big picture’ and finally brought clarity to what had previously seemed like random pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
From then on, the shared understanding of the simple structure of effective Project Management brought a new energy and stream-lined efficiency to the process, with related improvements to morale and the bottom line.